Written in Esperanto in the early '60s, this compelling account of survival is told by a Budapest lawyer who secured fake identities for his family following the invasion of the Germans in March 1944. In a narrative reminiscent of the great Primo Levi, Soros views his experiences with a beguiling humour, deep humanity and a wisdom that is humbling, Maskerado is a unique testament of the Holocaust - of how one man managed not only to escape, but to retain his integrity, compassion, family unity and humour by 'dancing around death'.
- Paperback: 286 pages
- Publisher: Canongate Books; New Ed edition (September 3, 2001)
- Language: English
"...the dead won't tell tales."
"In Hungarian literature Jews were often presented as hook-nosed, with crooked backs and guttural speech."
"Literature was a big influance on me in my youth."
'I had one Esperantist friend who was in constant need of money."
"'What kind of man is your father?' - 'He is a married bachelor', George announced."
"Whenever the anticipated results exceed the energy or sacrifice involved, you've got to help."
"In fact the sexual urge seemed less and less important: just staying alive, the most important instinct of all, absorbed all my energies."
"Most people don"t achieve success in proportion of their capabilities. Favorable circumstances play a vital role."
"People should keep to one moral principle: don't do to others what you don't want them to do to you."
"Nothing works better against terrorists than terror."
Sajnálatos módon az eszperantó eredetit sehol sem tudtam megszerezni, de hallatlan szererencsémre az antikvarium.hu oldalon ráleltem a fenti angol nyelvű kiadásra, Humphrey Tonkin fordításában, aki korábban az Eszperantó Világszövetség élén is állt.
Tivadar Soros - kiemelve eszperantó vonatkozásait - egyebek mellett 1922-től a magyarországi Literatura Mondo c. eszperantó folyóiratot is gründolta, olyan nagy magyar eszperantistákkal karöltve, mint Baghy Gyula vagy Kalocsay Kálmán (kiknek eszperantó tankönyveit, nyelvtankönyvét, irodalmi műveit tanfolyamaimon máig használom).
A kiadás külön érdekessége, hogy Tivadar Soros /Teodor Schwartz könyvében amellett, hogy saját fiai, köztük George Soros szereplőként is felbukkannak (ekkoriban a kis Gyuri 14 éves), érdekes fotókat is lehet találni a Soros-családról a 30-as évektől a 60-as évekig terjedő skálán.
És zárásként még egy idézet Tivadar Soros könyvéből, aki a legkeményebb 1944-es időszakra is képes zsidó vicceket mesélve visszaemlékezni írásában:
"Then there's the story about the rumor that Jews who converted would receive special treatment. Two brothers decide to get baptized. The older brother goes in first. The younger brother stays outside. After a long time the older brother reappears.
'How was it?' asks the younger brother.
The older brother eyes him from head to foot and says with disgust, 'None of your business. I don't talk to dirty Jews.'
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